Hello Lovely Ghost
Hey, I'm Ramona, an Artist based in Dortmund.
I originally started as a crochet artist but I also started branching out into other mediums and started drawing as well as sculpting clay.
My art revolves around fanart of anime and manga and my own characters and designs.
For the upcoming year my goal is to focus mainly on my own art and character designs and only do fanart on the side.
My main fandoms are: Card Captor Sakura, Madoka, Pokemon, Ghibli, and Katamari.
My personal art revolves around my character "Frög" (a smol african rain frog) and other animal art, mostly frogs, fish and shrimps.So far I've tabled mainly at small loca cons, including Anime Treffen Essen, Tadaima Dortmund, CMC Oberhausen and Münster as well as Naoki Con Aachen.
Animany Con and Connichi 2024 have been my highlights this year.